With the advancement of AI, anyone can easily engage in development. However, it is still humans who give the commands. From now on, the ability to create 'high-quality prompts' - deciding what instructions to give to AI - will become increasingly important.
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I’ve created an AI tool for frontend developers and web publishers.
This app was developed for students in the "Coding Elder" class, and I’m sharing it here on Threads as well.
Hello everyone,
I decided to create a website because there are so many different AI tools, and I wanted to gather them all in one place.
This website is an online community. I need your help!
Please come and share as much information as you can.
기존 메뉴 : AI뉴스 / ChatGPT 활용 / Claude 활용 / AI Community / AI Gallery
변경 메뉴 : AI Forum / AI Gallery / AI Community
앞으로 포럼 안에 분류를 생성해서 각 AI 툴의 활용 방법에 대해서 소개해보도록 하겠습니다.
요즘 스레드 보다 보니깐 AI에 대해서 정말 많이 이야기하더라구.
그래서 AI 툴을 조금 더 알려주고 싶어서 만들었어.
일단 처음이니깐 각자 하고 싶은 거 적어봐.
그럼 만들어볼게.
이제 시작이라 아무도 없어
자유롭게 의견 주면 좋겠어.
ps. 스레드처럼 반말이 편한거 같아. 우리도 반말로 이야기하자